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Dongguan JingSheng Kitchenware Products Co., Ltd. Official Website
Focus on canteens kitchen equipment
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  • Service Hotline: +860769-2277 0580
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  • hot key words : kitchen engineering equipment, plant engineering, kitchen engineering, kitchen engineering, kitchen engineering design, kitchen equipment
    What kind of kitchenware is needed in the kitchen?
    News sources: Release time:2016.11.17 Browse volume:

    Non-staple food processing room: a large stove a Taiwan, a simple table, spices car two Taiwan, a cutting Taiwan Taiwan, a Taiwan-shelf, low-Tang furnace one (optional), six (Optional), a double star anvil Taiwan, a single-star wash a pool, a number of stainless steel smoke hood, a smoke exhaust fan, exhaust pipe a few meters.

    Staple food processing room: two-door steamer cabinet two, wooden case of Taiwan, Taiwan, Taiwan and a plane, a noodle machine, electric baking pan a Taiwan, a double oven, single-wash wash a pool , A flour storage cabinets, storage cake rack two.

    Consumers wash room: Samsung wash basin two sets, one against the wall table, a simple table.